I am guided to write about success. What does success mean to me? The question came to me last night when I picked the SUCCESS card. So I took a deep breath and went deep in to my heart for an answer as the heart is the place from which the most valuable answers always come.
It took me a few breaths and then suddenly the answer was clear. I saw myself surrounded by thousands of people, all of us claiming our birthrights. Living our truths, standing tall, smiling at each other, understanding each other, living fulfilled lives. Everyone knew their uniqueness, their strength, their gifts. Everyone ready to share them. Everyone knew they had nothing to offer but love, their true Self. For a moment, I wished everyone on this planet could experience the feelings and the knowingness I did at that moment. It reinforced my belief that everything is possible and that we are here to live successful lives. Our Hearts are wise and our Mother Earth is a rich planet. One month ago I closed one door in my life–my hairdressing business–after more than twenty years. It was my passion for so long that I struggled with the decision for two years before knowing it was the right for me. I had great clients, they appreciated my work. It was not easy for me to close that door, but I had a call. Deep in my heart, I knew there were many more people that I could share my other gifts with, which were surfacing every day–so strongly–I could not deny them any longer. Everyday my heart told me: The time is now. This is the time you’ve been waiting for your whole life. And many lives before. I always knew life has much more to offer than what we, humanity, live now. Closing that door on my hair salon, many new doors opened. I am in the process of transition where TRUST is the key. Trust in Higher Power that unknown is unfolding in my best interest and for best interest of ALL. I can just be anywhere and I feel the connection with ALL THAT IS. I know that as I live upon this earth I need to make a living. We still live in a world where money is needed so that we can sleep in a warm home when it’s cold outside. We need to eat and buy clothes. The money exchanged for sharing our gifts is necessary these days. But money does not mean success to me. For me, success is the feeling of knowing that I am (and everyone) whole, knowing that Universe is vast, rich and always provides when I live my truth and I trust. Success is knowing my strength, the power within that I have available to co-create a beautiful, peaceful World with others. I believe our purpose on Earth is to share our hearts, our true selves, our wisdom. I like to share with you, Dear Reader, what I’ve heard from people who come to me for energy healing sessions, and share the puzzle of their life. When I talk to people I do not only listen with my ears, I listen with my heart, and I let my heart speak to them. I know I am completing my destiny and I absolutely love every step I take in the process of life. I am not planning what should happen tomorrow, because I know when I am fully present in the moment, tomorrow will be even more expanded than today. By that I mean, I can serve even more people and abundance always follows. That is success to me. People shared: I realized life is simple. I never saw it that way, it makes sense now. I know my heart gives me good guidance. Since I love myself more, everyone around shows me more love. I see anything is possible. I know I am co-creator of a better world. I always knew nothing was wrong with me, but I believed the outside world. I know I did it to myself, I choose different now. I am growing through this situation. I do not fear any situation anymore. Life is so beautiful and meaningful. I feel I have a different call in life. I am alone but I do not feel lonely anymore. I never saw myself as beautiful and now I do. It is all about inner beauty. I have a vision of amazing life on our planet. I know I am not here to change anyone, but to live my life. My heart is open and I am not afraid to be vulnerable. I can do it. I am willing. I know it is good for me and for all. I send blessings to everyone. I care about people and I see good in everyone. I know what I focus on I create. I learned how to focus on greatness of our world, there is so much beauty in our world. I stopped pushing, resisting, and everything I always wanted is coming to me. I am excited about now and tomorrow. I need to change my job, I am ready to be me. Sometimes I feel weird, it is good to know I am not alone. Nothing can stop me from moving on. I know I have a call. All my challenges made me stronger, I learned my lesson. I feel I have nothing to loose and fear. I love life. This list goes on. Yes, people are talking about their challenges, and pain, and uneasiness in their lives too, but what is important is that they come to self-realization because I choose to stay in my heart as I listen to them and help guide them. I choose to hold space for them where they feel love and they vibrate from their hearts. I focus on people's goodness and their self realization. THEIR SUCCESS. I love to see people come on board with their hearts open, not afraid of being vulnerable, not afraid TO LOVE.
While enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon, I close my eyes and meditate. I see beautiful horses in my mind's eye. I realized this year is the year of horse.
Meaning of horse: • Power • Grace • Beauty • Nobility • Strength • Freedom I see this meaning of the horse as a perfect description for women. As I observed the meaning of these words, a poem came to my awareness... Message from the Horse Power of your Love Grace of your Word Beauty of your Smile Nobility of your Heart Strength of your Wisdom Brings Freedom to The World In the Chinese culture, the horse is equated with Gemini, and represents practicality, love, endurance, devotion and stability. As a Native American symbol, the horse meanings combine the grounded power of the earth with the whispers of wisdom found in the spirit winds. The wild freedom of the horse can be harnessed and used to the benefit of the tribe. |
AuthorMy passion is to inspire people to see their true Self, their true potential, and the gifts they were born with so they can share them with humanity. It is how we can create a perfect picture of life on the planet Earth, our home. Because every human being is the perfect piece of the puzzle, that is equally needed for the picture to be complete. This web site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice, or as a diagnosis, or as treatment recommendations.
July 2016